Intro to Coding (6th)
A semester-long course where students will develop fundamental skills in HTML, game programming and robotics coding using and VEX robots. Students will create a personal, multi-page website along with simple arcade games and complete various robotics challenges.

Intermediate Coding (7th/8th)

A year-long course where students will create and modify simple to intermediate arcade-style games using Scratch. Students will employ fundamental programming concepts such as design, testing, iteration and debugging. There will also be opportunity to complete intermediate level robotics challenges using VEX VR robots.


Advanced Coding (8th)

A year-long course where students will create and modify intermediate to advanced arcade-style games using Scratch, complete simple to intermediate projects in Python and learn the basics of the Unity game development system. Students will employ fundamental programming concepts such as design, testing, iteration and debugging.





Innovation (6th/7th/8th)

A semester-long course where students will be introduced to a variety of STEM-based careers. Innovation students will work in Clifton's new Paxton Patterson Lab to help students align their interests and aptitudes to real career opportunities and skills. There are 16 Paxton Patterson Lab rotations which allow students to learn a little bit about a lot of different STEM-based subjects.